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How can I arrange a tour of the preschool?

Please contact us by completing our contact form, emailing our director at nfravel@wildwoodnatureschool.com, or calling 408-656-6916. We recommend families observe our classes in session, but are also happy to arrange private tours at a quieter time of day.

Can my child start preschool before turning three? If my child turns three after September, can he or she start on their third birthday?

Preschool only programs in the state of Oregon must by law accept only children who are 36 months or older. Because Wildwood Nature School is a school year program, we generally accept only children who have turned 3 by the beginning of the school year. An exception may be made for exceptionally mature children who turn three in the fall and can start after their third birthday. If you feel your child may qualify, please contact us.

Do you offer extended hours if I need my child to arrive early or stay late?

Wildwood Nature School’s preschool program runs from 8:45 – 12:00. We offer an extended day where children may stay until 12:45. Due to Oregon state licensing rules for preschool only programs, we are unable to keep any children beyond the maximum four hours.

Do children need to be toilet trained?

It is an Oregon state regulation that children enrolled in Pre-K programs be toilet trained. If you are concerned about this requirement, please contact us.

What are your hours of operation?

Wildwood Nature School’s preschool program runs from 8:45 – 12:00. We offer an extended day where children may stay until 12:45.

Do you provide hot lunch or any snacks?

Our vegetarian snack is prepared onsite each day by the children from raw ingredients harvested from our school garden. If your child stays for extended care, you will need to provide a nut-free lunch.

How do you handle food allergies? Can children bring their own food for snacks?

Because we prepare all snacks onsite mostly from scratch, we have absolute control over all of the ingredients and can easily work around most food allergies. Our snack meals are an integral part of the program at Wildwood Nature School. Since the snacks come from our garden, they teach children one way in which people are a part of nature. Snack time is time to try new textures and flavors and enjoy the social rewards of conversation and meal sharing. As such, parents are discouraged from providing their own snacks for children. However, parents of children with allergies are asked to provide the school with one non-perishable item to be saved for exceptional circumstances, such as, a child forgetting to bring a lunch or a special birthday snack prepared by a parent unaware of other children’s food allergies.

Do you offer any tuition assistance or financial aid?

We do offer tuition assistance on a sliding scale. Please do not hesitate to inquire further.

What is the child to teacher ratio?

We always have two teachers on site and accept a maximum of 12 children per school day.

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