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Mission Statement

Our goal is to grow children who are curious learners, excited about school, nature and the world, through hands-on exploration and collaboration. We aim to develop the whole child, emphasizing social and emotional skills as well as cognitive ability.

We Take Play Seriously

Ver la traduccion al Espanol

Yo pienso dos ó tres razones que hacen el pre escolar Wildwood Nature muy diferente a otras escuelas.

Número uno, obviamente el tiempo que pasamos afuera al aire libre.

La mitad de nuestro día en la escuela estamos afuera del salón de clase. Independientemente del clima. Sinceramente a casi todos los niños no les importa las condiciones del tiempo. Nos preparamos para salir poniéndonos nuestra ropa térmica, pantalones largos, pantalones para la lluvia, chaqueta para la lluvia y salimos a jugar en charcos llenos de agua, en la nieve y nos rodeamos de cualquier elemento natural que haya en ese día.

Nosotros también somos afortunados de tener la ventaja de la ubicación. Estamos a la orilla del Bosque Wildwood Park. Así que nuestro patio de juego es realmente el bosque. Y el bosque cambia! Algunas veces, salimos a jugar y pretendemos hacer una fogata, construimos fortalezas para casas de Adas. La semana pasada encontramos un árbol inmenso que un aire fuerte tumbó. Así que ahora tenemos una estructura natural para trepar. Usamos ese árbol para caminar, practicar balanceo, escalar y escribir también.

Así que yo pienso que es muy especial tener una área de juego que siempre está cambiando naturalmente.

Otro aspecto poco común es que nosotros no tenemos un currículum de estudio sólido. Los niños y los maestros trabajan juntos cada año decidiendo que es lo que van a invertir aprendiendo.

Por ejemplo, reciénteme los niños decidieron aprender más sobre lodo. Así que estos niños están usando el lodo como barro creando bolas, haciendo diferentes formas, los niños están realmente interesados en que es esta sustancia.

Nosotros, los maestros, formulamos una serie de preguntas y probablemente investigaremos que tipo de tierra es, como se hace el lodo, que tipo de componentes tiene, tal vez hagamos un poco de geología con piedras, rocas y arena.

Nosotros estamos constantemente investigando y alimentando la curiosidad.

Los niños ya tienen esa curiosidad innata. Usamos esa curiosidad para tener verdaderamente un interés en lo que estamos aprendiendo y explorar otras maneras de aprender del mundo.

Tenemos todas estas preguntas. Como hacemos que estas preguntas se transformen en observaciones, en experimentos, en lectura de libros, en conversaciones con otra gente para aprender cómo encontrar respuesta a nuestras propias preguntas.

Because all children have the right to experience and learn from the natural world, we provide 3 integrated learning environments: our nature-inspired indoor classroom; Outdoor garden and natural playscape; and the “Wild” Forest

Our high priority on experiential learning means that children spend at least ½ of each school day outside, with some days spent entirely outside.

Learning happens when children are invested in the outcome. We trust children to direct their own learning, so curriculum is co-created each year by the children and teachers based on the children’s observations, interests and questions.

Social emotional learning is at the forefront of our multiage classes, where children learn leadership skills, empathy, patience and independence from playing with both younger and older children.

Kids gardening

The value of lifelong learning and an open attitude toward new experiences extends to our staff. All teachers either hold a Master’s degree or are currently working toward one. Professional development for teachers is embedded in the yearly calendar as teachers strive to constantly improve experiences for children.

For young children, learning isn’t divided into discreet subject areas. We strive to develop the whole child through integrated art, music, movement, science, math and literacy experiences.

We recognize that families have different needs and goals for preschool. To meet the needs of families, we offer 2, 3 or 5 day options for all of the age groups we serve.

Preschool Classes

For children ages 3 to 5 year olds who are fully toilet-trained.

Morning classes are three hours and 15 minutes in duration, from 8:45 a.m. through 12:00 noon and include an option to extend each day until 12:45 p.m.

Afternoon classes are two hours and 45 minutes in duration, from 1:15 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Please contact us for current pricing information.

See English Translation

Greetings! My name is Daisy Bátiz. I am a Spanish teacher and I work as a team with Nicole.

I am going to tell you a little about me, I am from Puerto Rico and I studied there as a Special Needs teacher. I have three years of working experience in the education field and this is my first year working in an Immersion program, teaching Spanish as a second language.

Working here has been a very enriching experience for me and I have had the opportunity to learn a lot from Nicole. She has taught me different teaching techniques that I haven’t taught before.

I really, really like how she works. Her way of teaching is completely new to me.

I like that the kids learn from nature and they have the opportunity to explore and that the kids are the ones deciding what topics they are interested in learning.

The one thing that has captured my attention is that the kids really want to learn Spanish.

I really think that has been part of my daily motivation and it has been something that honestly speaking has been one of the most important experiences that I have had.

A Typical Day

  • Self-guided exploration

    A generous amount of time for self-guided exploration and experimentation, both indoors and out.

  • Individualized instruction

    Materials and activities are tailored to the current group of students and change as the children’s needs change.

  • Outdoor play – rain or shine

    Children need to be dressed for the weather as each class spends a block of time outside each day, rain or shine. Outdoor activities include a play structure, sand box, water play, messy art, gardening, and gross motor toys (balls, hula hoops, balance beams).

  • Self-selected play

    Classroom centers include block play, dramatic play, two- and three-dimensional art, sensory play, natural collections, reading, and science.

  • Teacher-led indoor and outdoor group explorations

    Children participate in teacher-led group explorations both inside and outside. Indoor circles always include a story and are a time for focused instruction on any educational subject – math, reading, art, music, Spanish, science, social studies, physical movement – or combination of subjects. Outdoor group activities include cooperative games, nature trail hikes, gardening, and gross motor development. Group lessons usually end with time for individual exploration guided by a teacher.

  • Healthy vegetarian snack

    A healthy, vegetarian snack is prepared on-site each day, often with the children’s assistance. The entire class sits together to enjoy the meal, including teachers and visiting parents. Meals are served family-style to encourage conversation, self-help skills, healthy choices, and community.

“We consider ourselves extremely lucky to have found this gem of a school. The location of the school at the edge of the Wildwood Trail gives children ready access to one of Portland’s treasures and is worth our drive. By the third day of school, my son begged him to drop him off early because he ‘loves loves loves my school!’”
— Marcelle, Beaverton Mom

How To Enroll

Enrollment for each fall is done by lottery on March 1 of the previous spring. For example, enrollment for the 2022-23 school year is done through a lottery held on March 1, 2022.  Contact us to arrange a visit or a phone consultation.

Did you miss lottery? If you missed the lottery, we may still have openings. Please contact us with your child’s name, birthdate and gender to find out what openings are still available for the fall.

Is it already fall? Winter? Spring? We enroll throughout the year, as long as we have openings. Please contact us with your child’s name, birthdate, gender, and prospective start date to find out what openings are available.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”
— Albert Einstein

Contact Us